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Because I am blessed, I am blessing the world in Jesus' name...

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top 10 Reasons Why I Love 2013

In a few hours, the year 2013 will give its final bow and exit the stage to give way to another year. This is the perfect moment for our final verdict, whether we will applaud the year's performance or 'boo' it. I've been reading many year-end posts and I feel blessed that most of us had a happy year. There were bad times, but at the end of the day (or year, in this case), we choose to remember the good stuff and take the difficulties as mere spices to add flavor to our lives. After all, if we only eat chocolates, we'll die early.

So now I'm giving my 2013 not just an applause but a standing ovation with matching 'woot woot' for countless reasons. I am thankful for even the most microscopic blessing I get, but for my "year-end special", I am honoring the top 10 reasons why 2013 is a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious year. 

1. I became a lawyer. This A-T-T-Y title is the SECOND BEST blessing God gave me in 2013. (You'll know what's the best blessing later.) It's not all that matters to me, nor is it everything that I am, but it made many other dreams possible. I welcomed 2013 with prayer and faith, and God said 'yes' to me in a really sweet way.

2. I made a brilliant career move. It wasn't a big shift in terms of what I do. I am still doing the same thing and I have come to accept and believe, based on my core gifts, that tax practice is my anointing. But a month after I took my oath, I decided to move to a bigger firm where I could spread my wings a little bit wider. And just a few days after I made that decision, I found a new corporate home (actually, it found me by accident). Not only did I find a bigger place. I am in the biggest! 7 years ago I hated that place. My words are too sweet, I ate them. Hehe... I love my work and the people I work with. Each day is full of challenges and stresses and headaches and... (blah blah) But I always go home fulfilled, and I wake up everyday ready to conquer another set of challenges and stresses and headaches and... (blah blah) in fulfilling God's great plan for me.

3. I moved to a new place. No, I don't have my own house and lot yet. My goal is to pay for at least the down payment in cash and have the balance paid in 5 years. And it's gonna be my dream home. (Lord, I know You heard me. Hehe...) But this year, I moved to another apartment and I'm now managing my own household. It's a small place. (I mean it.) But I love the peace it gives me. I can be as messy as I want, or as OC as I want, and no one would mind. Show me one tiny ant and I'll end up cleaning the whole day. (I'm exaggerating. I can tolerate up to 5 ants as long as they don't bite.)

4. I traveled 90% solo. I say it's 90% solo because I was in the same flight to Macau with my friends. But after a few hours, when we reached Hong Kong, we parted ways. I stayed in a separate place. And because communication was difficult, I explored the city - disneyland, cable car, old train, shopping places, cultural and historical spots, restaurants - alone. On day 3, I went back to Macau and explored the place - tower, churches, temples, casinos - with a backpack and a map, which made me feel like that cartoon girl with bangs and a friend monkey. I totally loved the adventure and even if I could possibly go back in time, I wouldn't change a thing, even with strong wi-fi signal. :-D For someone like me who hates the feeling of being seen eating in a restaurant alone, this is such a big deal. Oops! I almost forgot to mention that it was my first time to go out of the country. That's another blessing which made the blessing of traveling alone even more awesome.

5. I went to Boracay for the first time. Yes, first time. While almost everyone around me has already been there at least once, and I know some people who think that's their second home, in all 29 years of my life I never stepped a toe on that white sand beach. Why? Because time and money seldom met. When I wasn't so busy, I didn't have enough money for vacations of that kind. When I was already earning enough, I had no time because I spent my weekends in law school. No, I never thought of skipping classes just to get a tan. There were those few no-work-and-no-school-too days when I could have joined my friends, but I would always choose to spend them at home with my family. No out-of-town trip can ever replace the joy (and the real rest) of staying with my family. So after finally getting blessing #1, hello Bora! Yay!

6. I joined the Truly Rich Club. I learned about it in 2009, but I couldn't afford the monthly fee. I t was quite expensive that time. I also didn't have any more space in my brain, again because of law school, for stock market, real estate or small business. But this year, finally, I signed up and began receiving stock updates, wealth strategies newsletters, powertalks and other regular doses of useful materials. Once in a while, Bro. Bo, being such a sweet guy, would surprise us with e-books. Recently, I received a paper copy of his latest book, The Abundance Formula, as his Christmas gift. The TRC gives its members financial coaching coupled with spiritual guidance because, as Bro. Bo would always say, money should belong to God through the stewardship of good people.

7. I started investing in the stock market. Because of the TRC, I am now able to invest in stocks without having to worry about not having time to monitor the market. Reaching my financial goals is a slow process involving a little sacrifice each month, but I will surely get there.

8. Lovelife. I won't put any detail here because I don't want to feed other people's hunger for gossip. (Bwahaha!) I'm blessed by God, my ultimate lovelife. That's all.

9. I gained friends, strengthened my bond with the old ones, and spent more quality time with my family. No more assignments, exams and case digests to keep me from having worry-free laughs with my friends and going home to my family at least once a month. Thank God for the gift of healthy relationships.

10. I'm alive. I'm able to write this and praise God for all the wonderful things happening in my life. This is the BEST BLESSING ever, not only for me but for all of us. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of life.

With that, I'd like to thank all the people who were instruments of God in delivering His blessings to me, and those who rejoiced with me when I got them. Join me in this silent prayer to praise our Dream-giver....

Welcome, 2014! I declare more blessings for me, my family, my friends, and everybody this coming year. Because I am blessed, I'll be happy sharing my blessings to others and back to God, knowing that I can never beat His generosity. Amen. Amen.

Happy new year!

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